First Presbyterian Church
A note from our pastor:
Warm greetings in Christ Jesus, sisters and brothers. The First Presbyterian Church of Hays welcomes you to our family. Well, it’s really God’s family, and we are simply blessed to be a part of God’s wide and wondrous reign. As I complete my call as Transitional Minister to the church, I am confident in God’s loving care of this congregation and the congregation’s loving response to God’s plans and purposes. Three years of transitional ministry have provided time and space for the congregation to explore who they are and to celebrate and deepen whose they are. Many questions have been explored in our thinking and praying and doing. What is church? Why are we here? To what purpose is God calling us? For over one hundred and fifty years people have gathered as a Presbyterian congregation in Hays to live these questions and into the answers. The answers have changed over the decades and will continue to transform the church.
What has not changed is that the church exists by the gracious provision of God—Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit. We gather to listen, learn, study, sing, praise, pray, celebrate and serve, all in the name of the pioneer and perfector of our faith, Jesus Christ. In dependence upon him and trusting in God, we are now living the church’s mission into 2025 with energy, intelligence, imagination and love
. . . “to receive God’s love and grace and to pass it on by the power of the Holy Spirit as
we worship and learn together, nurture relationships, and reach out to others as Christ’s disciples for the healing
and wholeness of humankind.”*
Perhaps that last line might better read, for the healing and wholeness of creation. In any case, we try to remember that we do all things through Christ who strengthens us, for as Scripture reminds us, without him we can do nothing.
Please consider joining First Presbyterian Church of Hays in the on-going adventure of growing in the love of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit within and among us.
Rev. Christine Wagner, Transitional Minister
*Church’s Mission Statement
Rev. Christine Wagner